Thursday, May 21, 2020
“For thus says the Lord of hosts: ‘Once more (it is a little while) I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land; and I will shake all nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’ says the Lord of hosts.”// (Haggai 2.6-7)
Today on Day 1 of “Seeking And Welcoming A Global World-Wide Pentecost” we ask the Lord, who shakes the nations, to cause this Great Shaking to be followed by a Great Awakening. Therefore we cry out in unity that, at this time of great global shaking, God will send a great global awakening – by the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that this ‘shaking’ will not be a negative happening if we see it as the Lord removing obstacles to dependence on Him. May He enable us to repent from self-reliance and cause us to rely on Him and obey Him.
Heavenly Father, we cry out to You that those, whose confidence in money and in the political order has been shaken, may look to You for security and accept the invitation to Come.
As we pray for Awakening after Shaking, we call out to You, Great Holy Spirit for Your presence and power to fill the ‘sails’ of Your dedicated believers. Give us fearless mouths to proclaim the Lordship and victory of Jesus among all nations. Pour out on the nations the grace of repentance. Come, fill us with Your powerful life, blow away our fleshly efforts and catch us up in something from heaven that is beyond ourselves. We present ourselves to be containers of Your life, glory and mercy and yield ourselves to this great calling.
Give the world ears to hear, and eyes to see, the power of Your Blood and to receive the reconciliation that You purchased for them with Your life and with Your Blood. Sweep over our nation, over Israel and over all nations that they may come to You and find forgiveness and security in You.
Without You, Holy Spirit, we are simply lifeless people. Therefore we ask You, Holy Spirit, to come with new waves of Your power and presence. Fill our weakness with Your strength so that the beauty and the power of Your love, ways and works may come to us and through us. Holy Spirit, please fill the Temple – which is Your body - with Your glory and stir the world from its complacency to pay attention to Your message coming through our fire-filled lips and love-filled hearts. Let this be a Pentecost like no other a global Pentecost in all nations – a Great Awakening after a Great Shaking!