

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Comments: 2



“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” (2 Corinthians 4.7)

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."(Matthew 13.34)

Dear Father, as You filled a burning bush with Your presence in such a way that it was not consumed, You have now made our mortal bodies to contain and burn with Your presence.

Thank You, Jesus for making our bodies the Temples of Your Spirit by coming within us and thereby making us living headquarters of Your presence on earth and containers of Your own life. We ask that our ‘earthen vessels’ will not be sealed jars but pipelines through which Your presence can flow to others.

We also ask You, Holy Spirit to continue to come and remain upon us to anoint us with Your Power and ability to manifest Your works. Change us from being the powerless church to the power-filled church as we receive and rely on Your strength and ability and not on our own.

Open our eyes to recognize the greatness of Your power in us – the same power that raised Jesus from the dead - and what You have called us to be and to do. Thank You Lord, that You do not expect us to live the godly life by our own puny strength, but that You, Yourself in the person of The Holy Spirit, have come to live and manifest Yourself through us.

Holy Spirit help Your church realize that You do nothing for us until we recognize the limits of what is humanly possible and our need of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit to do the IMPOSSIBLE for You to do the impossible though us.

We now yield our bodies (vessels) to You as channels through which Your life, love and truth can flow to a needy world. Keep our eyes focused not on the weakness of the earthen vessel but on the powerful presence of Your Holy Spirit within us and upon us.

Lord in You, we have found the “treasure hid in a field”, and “the pearl of great price” we choose to invest our lives in this treasure so that Your glory may be seen in the earth. We choose to make You the center of our live and the focus of our interests, that Your Spirit that is within and upon us may flow freely out of us. This Pentecost 2020 bring us, Your people, back to Your calling that in the coming days and years Your Spirit can flow far more powerfully through every member of Your church – the Body of Christ.

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  1. Evelyn Truesdale Evelyn Truesdale Amen to Holy Spirit's control in our lives & in churches worldwide. Friday, May 29, 2020
  2. Jennie L Tyrrell Jennie L Tyrrell Yes and Amen, Holy Spirit I yield to You. Help us to be a channel which Your life, love, joy, peace and truth flows. Monday, June 1, 2020
