What Others Say
Thursday, February 20, 2025
The Untouchable Revivalists of India
What is most remarkable about the growth of Christianity in India is that the people spreading the gospel most aggressively are not foreign missionaries but indigenous evangelists who have been stuck at the bottom of the oppressive caste system.
Consider the case Prasad, who is a Dalit—otherwise known as an “untouchable.” Defying his background, he planted a church in a major city in southern India 20 years ago. Today he oversees more than 100 churches in his region, and he provides hot meals to 1,500 poor children every day at 20 feeding centers where the gospel is served along with rice and vegetables.
Another young pastor named David, who was trained by Prasad, ..with a monthly income of less than $200, he and his wife are aggressively sharing Christ with children and adults. Both Muslims and Hindus are converting to Christianity because of the courage of a man who is classified by the caste system as “backward.”
Yet despite the continued oppression, Dalits are the key reason the gospel is spreading so quickly in India today. The same people who were told they weren’t worthy enough to enter a Hindu temple are finding that Jesus Christ touched lepers, sinners and other “untouchables” of His day and invited them to dine at His table.
An intense spiritual war rages in India. Acts of violence against Christians—including the burning of churches—have increased so much that Open Doors now lists India’s persecution status as “severe.” But the violence isn’t stopping Dalit believers .. it was obvious that they have pulled the rug out from under the old system of Indian oppression. (Excerpted From Charisma News Nov. 2015 by J. Lee Grady)
Put No Confidence In The Flesh
The scripture teaches that nothing that is of the flesh, no matter what show it makes – no matter how much men glory in it can have any value in the sight of God. It warns us that our greatest danger (in serving the Lord) – the cause of our feebleness and failure is our having confidence in the flesh -its wisdom and its work… This flesh with its self will and self-effort must entirely be put aside to make way for the willing and the working of Another- the Spirit of God.”
– Andrew Murray Walking by The Spirit