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Everyone knows that Ireland has a long and deep Christian Heritage. From the days of the apostles (when James came to Ireland) the Irish have responded to the gospel and the revelation of God as Our Loving Heavenly Father. In the days of St. Patrick the Christian faith became the predominant faith in the land. Their embrace of the gospel produced an extraordinary people whose love for God and commitment to Jesus lit up the world.

In the Middle Ages, Irish monks preserved the scriptures for the world as they painstakingly copied them and spread the message of the gospel to Europe and the nations. (See the exhibition of The Book of Kells at Trinity College,) At that time Ireland was the center of world evangelism and missionary outreach.

This is the heritage of the Irish people Yet today many Irish people seem to have turned their backs on this great heritage. They choose to ignore God's help and His ways and our heritage as a Christian nation.

Today many regard the message of Jesus and His apostles as irrelevant for this modern age. The background values of the nation have shifted from respect for God and His ways to radical secular humanism. Despite this God is still reaching out His hands inviting the nation to return to Him, come under the canopy of His protection and to discover the power of His care through the Cross of Jesus.

In part the present-day rejection of Christianity is a rejection of a legalistic self-righteous religious version of Christianity. This can be the occasion for a new discovery of the real person of Jesus and the true message of gospel. The New Testament shows that God Himself on the Cross paid the penalty of our sins so that we could be totally forgiven, reconciled to Him, receive His life and a new beginning. Everyone needs to know that did Jesus did enough on the Cross for all who come to Him.

Winning Ireland Back To God
To meet the challenge of sharing the gospel in the land, God is raising up many compassionate secular preachers who are reaching out to their neighbors and towns spreading the message of the God's great redemption. We need to leave behind the concept that this is only the work of "clergy" or professional ministers, but is the responsibility of every believer in the land

One of the best ways of sharing the gospel is by distributing the New Treatment. We have prepared and printed a special edition of the New Testament "GOOD NEWS FOR IRELAND TODAY" for the Irish people. It presents the gospel in the context of our Irish culture and shows that the Gospel is the heritage of the Irish people that predates Nationalism or Protestant - Catholic divide.

We have printed 50 thousand copies of this New Testament: "GOOD NEWS FOR IRELAND TODAY for FREE distribution. Forty thousand have already been distributed over the last few years. Dozens of ordinary believers have been going to the streets and door to door sharing the gospel and distributing GOOD NEWS FOR IRELAND TODAY.

If you are interested in being part of this work of spreading the GOOD NEWS FOR IRELAND TODAY you may pick up FOR FREE as many copies of this edition as you can use.
Though Reconciliation Outreach accepts donations to help cover the cost it is entirely FREE and without obligation, for distribution. It is a one-to-one mission and not associated with any one denomination.
One request we make is that they are not distributed IN churches but given one-to-one to people who may not attend church or do not yet understand the God News

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You My pick up these New Testaments from John Purcell,
The Good Herdsmen, Clogheen Rd
Cahir, Co. Tipperary E21 TW40
Tel 052 ‭744-5500‬‬‬

For more information you can email us
We would love to hear from you if you are becoming involved in this project or if you would like to share how you are using this book

Paul & Nuala O'Higgins, Reconciliation Outreach Inc.‬‬
